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Joy is proof to the world that God can fully satisfy the human heart.

Joy is not luxury or a mere accessory in the Christian life. It is the sign that we are really living in God's wonderful love, and that love satisfies us. --Andrew Murray

Joy is the component that, when added to a trial, provides the strength to endure it. "For the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10).

Joy is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ. -- William VanderHaven

A joyful spirit is a fountain of health in those who have it, and with those who share it. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Prov. 17:22).

Joy is one of those rare treasures that is multiplied by giving it away.

God can turn our greatest sorrows into our deepest joys.

Our purest and noblest joys are transformed sorrows. --Alexander Maclaren.

True joy is a result not of what happens in our lives but of what happens because of the One Who lives in our hearts. Joy springs from tapping into eternal riches and fellowship with God.

Where the soul is full of peace and joy, outward surroundings and circumstances are of comparatively little account. --Hannah Whitall Smith

Joy has no value until it is given away.

Sharing joy takes only a moment, but those who receive it treasure it for a lifetime.

The one who receives joy returns it and can still give it to others.

Joy is far rarer than it needs to be, but the need for it only makes it more valuable.

When you have become penetrated with the joy of God, all of your sorrows will turn into joy, all of your trials will be graces; you will recognize your faults, you will be sorry for them, and they will be forgiven so that they may become happy faults. They will remind you only of the goodness, the tenderness, the joy with which God forgives them. -Louis Evely

Joy is the flag you fly when the Prince of Peace is in residence within your heart. -Wilfred Peterson

No one is happy or free who lives only for himself. Joy in living comes from immersion in something one recognizes to be bigger, better, worthier, more enduring than he himself is. True happiness and true freedom come from squandering one's self for a purpose. -Carl McGeehon

There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths, which come about us like birds seeking inlet; but we are shut up to them, and sothey bring us nothing, but sit and sing awhile upon the roof, and then fly away. -H.W. Beecher

When you have become penetrated with the joy of God, all of your sorrows will turn into joy, all of your trials will be graces; you will recognize your faults, you will be sorry for them, and they will be forgiven so that they may become happy faults. They will remind you only of the goodness, the tenderness, the joy with which God forgives them. -Louis Evely

Thoughts from a fellow pilgrim...

The Meaning of True Joy
Do you know what your name means? I've always been fascinated with names and their meanings, and when I discover a baby name book at a thrift store I find it very hard to resist adding another volume to my "collection." :-)

There's so much to a name: besides it's actual meaning, a name comes with a stereotype - which varies greatly according to culture and individual experience. When writing stories, one of my favorite parts is finding the perfect name for each character. :-) God tells us that "a good name is rather to be chosen than great riches" (Prov. 22:1) - one's character, reputation, and name are so closely intertwined that each affects the rest.

As long as I can remember, I have been thankful for the name my parents gave me. For many years the meaning of my first name has been an inspiration to me - "A Source of Joy" or "A Father's Joy." Recently I found myself wondering how I could truly "live up to my name," so I have been studying what the Bible says about joy. I was amazed at how many times the words "joy" or "rejoice" are used - it's a very important topic! As one of my favorite quotes says, "Joy is the echo of God's life in us" - it is the infallible proof to the world that God's ways are best.

We can strive all our lives to discover joy and peace, but we will only find them when we have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is clearly shown in John 15: after explaining how believers must abide in Christ to bear fruit, He says, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (vs. 11). The Psalmist is in agreement - "In Thy presence is fullness of joy" (Ps. 16:11). Only by always fearing the Lord and acting accordingly, will we find true joy. The "joy" of the world simply cannot be compared to it!

(If you would like to know more about having a joyous relationship with Christ, please click here!)

The answer here is simple - always! "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice" (Phil. 4:4). This may seem like an impossible command (and, yes, it is a direct command, not just a gentle suggestion!) until we realize that joy is not an emotion (though it may be accompanied by joyful feelings) - it is an act of the will. Joy is independent of circumstances, and only the true joy of the Lord can endure through any difficulty. "Joy is the component that, when added to a trial, provides the strength to endure it" - "For the joy of the Lord is your strength" (Neh. 8:10). "Joy is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ" (William VanderHaven).

I often have to be reminded many times to rejoice through a trial - it is not at all my natural reaction! 1 Pet. 3:14, 4:14; and Matthew 5:10-12 are encouraging reminders. When we, through faith, fully believe that "all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28), we will be able to thank the Lord not matter what happens! As we are living in His will, He won't allow anything to come into our lives except what is for our best! It is so important to build a habit of praising the Lord no matter what come our way - then we will be exercising the joy of the Lord, and we will be a wonderful testimony to the watching world.

Even when all is dark around us, we still have so much to be thankful for! Besides the fact that God is working our trials out for our good, we have countless blessings to be joyful for. Many verses remind us of this.

We should rejoice because:

  • We believe in Jesus (1 Peter 1:3-9)
  • We are partakers of Christ's sufferings (1 Pet. 4:12-13)
  • Christ keeps us from falling and presents us faultless (Jude 1:24)
  • We have salvation (Ps. 35:9)
  • God is on our side (Duet. 33:29)
  • God has helped us (Ps. 63:7)
  • Our names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20)
We should rejoice in:
  • Every good thing from God (Duet 26:11)
  • The Lord and His salvation (1 Sam. 2:1; Ps. 9:14)
  • The hope of the glory of God (Rom. 5:2)
  • Tribulations (Rom. 5:3-8)
  • Hope (Rom. 12:12)
  • Other Christians (1 Thess. 2:19-20)
This is just a small sampling of all we have to rejoice in -- the Lord has done so much for us!! Meditating on any of these verses is a sure remedy for discouragement and lack of joy.Another project I did a while back was to actually write out an alphabetical list of things I am grateful for -- it was very insightful!

This was something I pondered for quite some time, seeking specific instruction in the Scripture of how to bring joy to others. Now I realize that when someone has the true joy of Christ, it will shine out of their life in such a way that it can't help but "rub off" on everyone around them. Joy, like yawns, smiles, and laughter, is highly contagious, and a joyful person will spread joy around without any conscious effort to do so.

Also, as we are sensitive to God's leading, He will show us those whose lives need brightening. There are countless ways to encourage others - a cheerful word and smile, a small gift, a listening ear, or a helping hand. What are some ways you have brought joy to others?

Prov. 23:15, 24-25 speaks specifically of how to bring joy to our parents -- by being wise. Again, this goes right back to a right relationship with God, for "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

I have been very convicted by this study of joy, and though I so desire to "live up to my name" and display it to those around me, I often fail miserably. Let's pray for each other as we continue to grow in Christ every day!

Joyfully HIS,

What produces Joy?
1. Our eternal salvation
2. A good conscience
3. The stautes of God's Word
4. The commands of the Lord
5. The rhemas of Scripture
6. The giving of a wise answer
7. The tests of persecution
8. The spiritual growth of our disciples
9. The power of the Holy Spirit
10. The confidence of a job well-done

What are the Steps to Experience Joy?
(1 Chron. 16:8-11 and Ps. 105:1-4)
1. Give thanks unto the Lord
2. Call upon His name
3. Make known His deeds among the people
4. Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him
5. Talk ye of all His wondrous works
6. Glory ye in His holy name
7. Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord
8. Seek the Lord and His strength
9. Seek His face continually

Joyfulness is the bright spirit and radiant countenance that come by being in full fellowship with the Lord.

Above lists and definition by IBLP.

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